The New Village School in Sausalito, Waldorf-Inspired, Screen-Free | Elementary School
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Eighth Grade

Eighth Grade

Around this time students experience the birth of intellectual consciousness. The questions of “Who am I” and “What is truth?” are asked. The space is kept clean by the adults, within which these questions can be fully asked without fear. Giving birth to oneself is hard work and can be overwhelming. Being in a space cleansed of adult emotions and fears is essential for this process to unfold in the way it needs to. Students explore the Age of Revolutions, Civil Rights, Creative Writing, and delve further into the hard sciences of chemistry, physics, physiology and anatomy. Lastly, our 8th graders spend significant time on an 8th grade project of their choosing which they research, write, and present to the whole school community.


  • Age of Revolutions
  • Industrial revolution to Modern History 
  • American History to the Civil Rights Movement 
  • World Geography 
  • Health and Sexuality

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Language Arts:

  • Creative writing and short stories (theme of flying literally and metaphorically)
  • Techniques for composition
  • Literature Appreciation (6 or more class readers)
  • Research, report writing, and presentations
  • Note writing practice 
  • Essay writing development
  • Class Play

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  • Percentages & Exponential Growth
  • Necessary Tools for Algebra
  • Algebra: Solving, Graphing & Analyzing Equations and Inequalities
  • Geometry: Pythagorean Theorem & Mensuration
  • Proportions & Dimensional Analysis

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  • Physics with a focus on Thermodynamics 
  • Chemistry: the nature of major food substances (sugar, starch, fat/oil, and protein)
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Meteorology and Climate Science
  • Scientific method in the study of Social Sciences


  • Independent reading and writing
  • Comprehension through written responses
  • Mastery of regular and irregular verb conjugation


  • Learning how to use a sewing machine. Project: pajama pants.

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  • Stool, chair, tool handle

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  • Three week trip to Patagonia embarking on a rite of passage “sit” for personal reflection. The duration of the sit depends on the class and each student’s level of readiness.

8th Grade Project:

  • Our students embark on a long independent study on a topic of their choice. Each student selects a mentor or help with the project. The students are asked to write a 15-20 page research paper and present their 8th grade project to the whole school community for 20-30 minutes.
  • The 8th grade project is a Rite of Passage, something sorely denied to us in our current times. As we know, rites of passages are connected with the biological crises, or milestones, of life: birth, adolescence, maturity, reproduction, and death that bring significant changes in our lives. We at the New Village School give students opportunities to experience passages that will bolster their sense of self. We see the outcome of this work when our alumni come back home for a visit, a talk, an Open House: they stand on their own feet, meet us complete, with ease, with confidence, and as their authentic selves.