The New Village School in Sausalito, Waldorf-Inspired, Screen-Free | Elementary School
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Fifth Grade

Fifth Grade

Developmentally, the children are reaching the pinnacle of childhood. It is as if they are standing on a tall mountain looking out on a large open space that they somehow know they must venture into and explore. They are experiencing the moment of peace and balance and the hopefully joyful memories of a childhood that has been full of sensory experiences that were colorful, rich, and meaningful. If that has not been the case, there will be a sad, nostalgic sense to this moment of ending childhood. Physically, they are usually balanced and move gracefully and elegantly. Their bodies and musculature are still light. This is a pivotal time when the children feel themselves bathed in beauty and excited at what is to come. With this balance within the body they practice discus, javelin, running, long jump, and wrestling and compete in a Pentathlon with local Waldorf schools. Students explore Botany, Ancient Civilizations, U.S. Geography, Geometry, and more!

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  • Ancient Civilizations block: Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, and India which concludes with a project
  • US Geography and History which conclude with a state presentation
  • Health and Sexuality
  • Botany (Science Block see below) integrates with Humanities themes

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Language Arts:

  • Research, independent writing, compositions, and paragraph structure practice
  • Note writing practice 
  • Literature Appreciation (at least 5 class readers)
  • Class play

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  • Place value up to the millions: expanded notation, Approximation, Estimation
  • Multiplying & Dividing by Tens, Hundreds, Thousands
  • Introduction to Order of Operations
  • Thorough review of Multiplications & Long Division
  • Thorough review of Fractions and the four processes
  • Decimals: Approximation and Estimations, the four processes
  • Geometry: Area, Area of a Triangle, Angle Measure, 3 & 4-sided figures, Volume
  • Introduction to percentages
  • Complex word problems
  • Measurements: familiarity with U.S. & metric systems

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  • Botany, including classification of plants
  • "Big history" of the universe, the earth and how we know what we know, paleontology, what is history
  • Introduction to Physics 

Spanish & World Language:

  • Oral conversation practice - describing and asking questions
  • Reading in Spanish practice
  • Practice with regular verb conjugation
  • Introduction to irregular verb conjugation
  • Reviewing and building upon themes introduced in 4th grade, reinforcing foundational concepts while deepening understanding


  • Learn three needle knitting. Project: pair of wool socks


  • Projects: combs, carved animals, bowls

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  • We conclude the school year with a class trip where children camp, backpack, rock climb, and learn about the amazing flora and fauna of Joshua Tree or Pinnacles National Park in relation to their botany block