The New Village School in Sausalito, Waldorf-Inspired, Screen-Free | Elementary School
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Second Grade

Second Grade

As the children grow, their personalities become more differentiated. With their imaginative powers still intact, some children clearly show a need for connectedness and grounding with the animal and plant worlds and the work of humans in the world. Nothing would be worse at this stage than keeping children idle, or allowing them to sit about without participating in the physical work that needs to happen every day. They must feel involvement in everyday tasks and projects while still being allowed to regularly bask in imaginative play. This age is marked by an interest for the pitfalls of instinctual life, where a sense of humor develops in witnessing how human passions like greed, arrogance, sloth or envy cause a person’s downfall. This is the spirit out of which animal fables and trickster tales emerged in pretty much every world culture. When this need is satisfied the children then become responsive to the stories of people who, by the overcoming of their instinctual natures, showed an exceptional capacity for loving-kindness. Thus the children’s deeply moral longing is satisfied not by moralizing talk, but through the cultivation of the polarities that live in the human psyche.

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  • Legends and fables about people who have cared deeply and lived through difficult times through oral storytelling

Language Arts:

  • Singing and recitation of verses and poems
  • Expansion of composition with guidance of teacher
  • Spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and capitalization
  • Handwriting: cursive is introduced
  • Class play

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  • Math games and mental math practiced daily
  • Practice all four processes: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  • Familiarity with times tables 1-12
  • Familiarity with place value out to one million


  • Emphasis on animals and climate zones in relation to life styles
  • Study of animals, plants, and resources that characterize each environment
  • CWoW exploration of nature
  • Gardening and farming at school and Land in Novato

Form Drawing:

  • Vertical and horizontal symmetry
  • Inward and outward spirals
  • Forms through four quadrants in sequence

Spanish & World Language:

  • Vocabulary practice through stories
  • Comprehension practice of color, numbers, quantities, and identifying commands


  • Practice knitting with pearling. Project: doll or gnome


  • Projects: serving spoon, spatula, chopsticks

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