Sixth Grade
Upon entering middle school, sixth graders become aware of the changes within their bodies while taking an intentional step out into the world. They begin to once again move out of their own "home territories" into the larger world. We offer stories of those who have left home. We demonstrate what characteristics one needs in order to move through life with courage and respect. Our teachers stay in conversation with the class about these themes, giving the pre-pubescent child a sense of clarity and a training ground for their own arguments. This allows more freedom and more authorship in their own stories. The children explore: geology, astronomy, physics, climate, roman history, pre-algebra, and business math.
- World Geography
- Ancient Rome
- Feudal times and the Islamic Golden Age
- Health and Sexuality
- The Senses in Humans and Animals
Language Arts:
- Essay outline, structure, and writing practice
- Class readers and reports
- Research, report writing, and presentations
- Class Play
- Four processes with decimals & fractions
- Exponents & Square Roots
- Divisibility
- Percentages
- Measurements
- Introduction of pre-algebra: basic formulas
- Prime Factorization
- Charts & Graphs, basic statistics
- Geometry: Angle Measure, Area, Volume
- Business Math
- Ratios & Rates
- Physics with focus on Mechanics, Optics, and Acoustics
- Scientific method begins lab reports
- Introduction to Geology and Astronomy
- Environmental Studies (meteorology and climate studies)
Spanish & World Language:
- Reading and writing of short stories
- Conjugation for regular and irregular verbs
- Conversational practice in preparations for two week trip to Talpala, Mexico where they are fully immersed in the Spanish Language
- Learning how to follow a sewing pattern. Project: stuffed animals
- Projects: pizza peels and cutting board
- Two-week trip to Mexico where our students attend school in a small town in Tapalpa, Mexico where they are fully immersed in Spanish culture and language.