The New Village School in Sausalito, Waldorf-Inspired, Screen-Free | Elementary School
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First Grade

First Grade

Around age six and a half, children move into a phase of development where their powers of memory and mental imaging can be stimulated to develop symbolization and the ability to consciously form abstract concepts like letters and numbers. The First Grade curriculum clothes what would otherwise be dry concepts into rich images that catch a child’s natural interest. The forming of a living imagination is more essential at this time to keep the children buoyant and rosy-cheeked. Thinking adventures of all kinds are thus accompanied with stories, movement, beautiful art and rich conversation. Reading, writing, and math develop gradually and organically without burdening the spirit of the child.


  • Folktales and Mythologies: wisdom carried in these tales from different cultures around the world are shared through oral storytelling

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Language Arts:

  • Singing and recitation of verses and poems
  • Pictorial introduction to the alphabet through stories 
  • Story retelling 
  • Handwriting: uppercase and lower-case letters 
  • Learning to write: words and sentences 
  • Recognizing word (pre-reading) 
  • Class play

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  • Pictorial introduction to numbers through story
  • The quality of numbers is introduced so that the relationship between the numbers and counting come from a true understanding of what numbers are
  • Counting from 1 to 100
  • Four processes introduced: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  • Odd and even numbers
  • Times tables practiced: 2, 5, 10, 11

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  • Stories about the elements, seasons, ecosystems, and the plant and animal world
  • CWoW exploration of nature
  • Gardening and farming at school and Land in Novato

Form Drawing:

  • Straight and curved lines
  • Mirroring of forms
  • Transform forms and begin to create symmetrical forms

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Spanish & World Language:

  • Spanish immersion through stories, songs, movement, and games
  • Comprehension practice of color, numbers, quantities, and classroom-related commands
  • Selection and practice of second world language: Punjabi, Russian, or Japanese

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  • Introduction to knitting starting with geometric shapes. Project: hen or rooster

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  • Projects: butter knife, fork, spoon